Partners: Android-Eka

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Part of my July 2018 Blog Event: Partners

Andriod-Eka would most definitely be the one whom introduced 8-bit composition to my ears. 

It was that of 2009 If I can recall back, our first encounter was on a defunct Nintendo Fan Forum, we simply budded heads over musical choices as I just got into the Wii with the release of Super Smash Bros: Brawl which would be my first introduction into the Nintendo Universe in depth aside from the cheaper Nintendo titles I was mildly amused in.

We shared musical tastes of course regarding composition and rather came into agreement the Mario renditions sounded well. Myself at the time simply pretended I understood the Mario music and accepted it as such. He would later show off his high animosity towards 16-bit music. Calling it the "chip tune graveyard" due to the amount of time put into it. 

While we both also had musical tastes I then of the time was deeply offended by his aggression of chip tunes and took it as a method of indirectly attacking my opinion. As foolish as I was when I was younger we both did come to an agreement that 8-bit tunes had a certain charm too it of course. We would then either compare and contrast certain soundtracks. We would have our humorous arguments as I preferred the SMS ( Sega Master System ) tunes over the NES. Albeit the sound identical of course but his fan status overwhelmed that fact and I would nudge him into such for a reason.

To further expand my mind on the NES songs I had to push his buttons or as I called it at the time "pinching his nipples" where he would then share content of course. This does make I remember how the VGM base is on Youtube. Everything was always at 280p which was obnoxious of course but too manage it was well enough. 

Over time, we would bounce on and off. As between 2009 - 2010 he was the closest thing to a genuine friend I made of course online ( Excluding Angela and Raul  )while my father was at the time internet impaired. He found my naive attitude to someone far away to be somewhat identical to his relationship with my mother minus the mail of course. Unless you believe Emails are the same count of course, we never had any sort of emotional and or tense moments in our history. Due to us having a massive complexity in music tastes of course. As he fell into the wagon of "I judge people based on their taste in music." When I was younger, I didn't understand such but now that I am older, musical taste does identify one too a degree. As it exposes diversity in sound.

By 2010-2011 we had discovered a site called which is what would be my main jump into game composition of course. As 2010 I was facing a musical revolution. I understood that in the Sega Genesis cart it takes .vgm files while in the N64 it takes .midi files of course. This site was also used for a long while for fan projects. I was hesitant of course. As Android-Eka immediately went in and would post his fan made music on the site. I would request private musical aims by himself.

This is when it occurred to I that remixes and VGMs is a musical breed that will last for quite some time and I decided to abandon my mission to reinvent Jazz Metal and to simply aim for VGM compositions absolutely. From 2010 - 2014 we both would begin to upload all of our remixes on a constant rate. Too this date of course our remixes still remain on the site although our biggest mistake was we failed to credit ourselves in our remixes which I fixed in 2013 but it was a tad too late. While the site began to die down of course. He would stop posting on the site in 2014, while I would continue to post my content onto the site to this day. On the side as well from 2013-2016 we would attempt to make remixes exclusively on Gamejolt he was rather aesthetic for it, while I was absolutely disappointed in such a tribulation but of course we would continue 

In 2014 as well we would make our most popular remix, considering it was a joint effort and people would begin to take the audio and claim it as their own. Was a remix of the song "Sky Base Zone" from Sonic The Hedgehog for the Sega Master System/ Game Gear and from that point on we would never make Sega Genesis music together as it was a rather complicated route. It's still on VGMusic of course for those whom wish to view it.

From 2015 onward I've been attempting that he become affiliated with other teams as he has musical talent of course but he would refuse it wasn't until I requested he be part of my projects where he changed his tune absolutely and drove onto my side.  Even then it was still a minor measurement as 8-bit music was his element and when he walked out of it, he was dive towards the Earth. Which wasn't promising in the slightest of course.


Android-Eka was absolutely firm with his presentation on music, he was focused on minimizing sound crunches as best possible and had a template of how he would compose music. Focusing highly on the main instruments and would do the least heard channel second then sandwiching all the channels into one. He was rather diverse in how to capture orchestra music and transform them into 8-bit compositions absolutely. Leaving very little room for error in this format.

His attitude was rather grand as well, having charm but a quick temper but his temper was in reality the fuel to keep our production going strong of course.

Unrelated but he did introduce me to how to use emulators well which would come in handy in making Genesis Rom hacks, while somewhat as I'd often insert my own remixes of certain Sonic songs into Sonic Spinball, I was never aware how fitting Valley of Bowser (Super Mario World SNES ) would fit into The Machine. Bizarre yet accepting.


His temper did get the better of him leading into some uncomfortable confrontations. 

I highly enjoy him of course but his musical bias got in the way quite often one grand example was our debate over the Legend of Zelda soundtrack stating his favorite songs were from Minish Cap while I stated my favorite OST ( of that time ) was Twilight Princess and he had a massive scuffle over it. Which created undesired consequences on both of our ends. 

Rather a bit aggressive when he heard an " NES "remix contain multiple instruments. 


I was at my own faults of course, pushing his buttons was unjustified on my part and no matter how deep I would attempt to make things superior of course it would immediately backfire. Leading to situations I was illprepared for.  Keeping my emotions in check proved to be a successful maneuver of course and the resisting urge to not fight back in certain causes as well was excellent as I had no desire to forward my anger in anyway of course. 

At times I do feel I pressured him too much to leave his hive of happiness. Looking back I most definitely did leading to uncomfortable causes on our tales but I will take responsibility of course still maintaining contact with him is well but currently being musically retired in 2017. His last original composition for a title I'm working on was his personal goodbye notion of course and I take that notion deeply too heart.

Most of our problems was due to my desire to get answers and getting him aggressive for such, while I do admit this was painful on my end, I cannot say his reactions were not out of free will but out of being provoked into such a situation most definitely.


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