How to establish a Dev team

Suppose this is something I should have made quite a long time ago, I will reaffirm this is all my opinion of course and with that being noted the below will give off answers you seek of course.

1 - Showing a sense of compassion is the first key to such. Crafting a legion with that motivation will show off that everyone can be in a welcoming wagon and in that field even a basic sense of compassion and understanding can bring in many together.

2 - Expressions of doubt is suicidal, it does get deep into the other members of your team that they will not succeeded and if they feel they are being doubted they will not co-operate or will feel they are simply not up to the teams standards. Expressing fear of failure is also a tribute to not express as when one discusses their failure they will in reality be targeting all the users involved. This sense of selfish desire effects the entire time. Set a high standard on the level of expectations but not to high or too low.

3 - Keep progress on the rise! You have to constantly have some form of progress being expressed and because of this. There is an open door policy on keeping the team in unison. If there is no progress and or constant delays the users will begin to question how the team functions and the competence of the overall project they're all supposed to be working on. This will lead to a set of clash of loyalties and of course a sentiment of frustration between everyone participating in the team and those who are sitting on the backdoor.

4 - Do not immediately overwhelm your team and assign roles for each member accordingly. If you constantly bicker over the style of member positions this will lead to problems and favoritism being expressed. If you know the team members and their maximum capabilities. Then it is excellent to point them into the right direction for how extreme the project can be.

5 - Keep your friends close and your code of priorities closer. Having friends on the development team leads to a series of complications. The more you begin to depend on your friends' abilities over your own. They begin to override your content and thus if working with multiple users. They'll grow insecure and or uninterested as they no longer have any sort of team value. Do not keep your friends on a higher level then the rest of the development team. As that will constantly harm game progress and it will lead to either long term hostilities or a cancelled projects due to ones own ability to recognize friendship over duties.

6 - Keep communication high, if communication isn't high for multiple members. You're doomed to fail from the start.

7 - If developing a game with a financial goal it's best to select a price range for the game prior to release as then there will be little post-arguments to lead onto and as a result it will lead to far more promising expectations during the games overall development.

8 - If one cannot afford a development team, it's best to assign members of your team if you are confident in their team ability and their ability to complete a series of task.

9 - Do not be afraid to remove members if they are becoming suicidal to the progress and or morale of the team. Do not hesitate to remove a thorn if it isn't promoting a promising outcome as needed in this situation if they are absolutely crippling then they must be dealt with.


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