A little logo I made for this section in particular.

 I have had several questions I've gotten asked on a massive accord and I feel the need to completely address each and every question here. As in this basis of course, I will be tracking down all I'm aware of and take each bit to heart. This information as expected comes down a massive list. 

Question: Why do you speak like that? Is English your native language? 

Answer: Why do I speak like this? Simple of course, between 2014-2015 I began a self re-education planning that was in the process of altering my primary form of speaking the English language. As I found that of the old tongue to not only be superb in the statements said by a single individual but it would be the powder needed in order to represent myself properly. As I'm able to speak in such on a normal base now highly due to that decision. 

My native language is Spanish, those who may recognize my accent can identify it as Cuban-Spanish.

Question: Why are you so sensitive in everything else except politics?

Answer: This comes down to personal history, I will not hide the fact I have been a member of the far left and the far right. Unfortunately I quickly seen how both sides fair in reality. therefore when I'm in a discussion I am always on the offensive beating down their sentiments. There is very little times where I'm on the defensive. This is due in part that my offensive in reality is weaker then my defensive material, making a possible counter nearly impossible.  

I take that of politics highly serious, as shown in multiple arguments. Although this is in part that politics in the end of the day is the fragment of judgment that runs all of our lives in the tower of state sponsorship. I'm sensitive and show off my heart in other topics due to the grim reality that I don't have to play a role in a seat of dominance.

Question: Where do you live?

Answer: Budapest, Hungary.

Question: How are you able to dish out so many remix'?

Answer: That of musical comprehension is one of my highest qualities as I'm able to release an obnoxious set of musical remix' in a rather record time.  Depending on the quality of the track I am in turn listening too, it can of course take that of a day to such three of them. Which isn't harmful, I'm able to compose at such a quick pace due to the abilities to follow a sing in sync then record in said sync.  Quicker pay off of course. 

Question: Do you ever have extreme PTSD from your time in service?

Answer: Prior to recently, not anything of any true damage. After I discovered my dog tags and service rifle I was given back. The PTSD became far more numerous and it's become a somewhat slow process to return back my average state. I've kept the souvenirs close to heart as it's a reminder I can overcome such stressful and body numbing moments.

Question: Are you a Boy or Girl?

Answer: Girl, highly prefer the term woman of course. As I am no minor. 

Question: What do you do for a living? Since you know a lot about international affairs.

Answer: Ah! Currently I am second in command of an independent comic book company and a member of the HDF as a border troop. Formerly, I was a journalist for Mainap and I did of course do international coverage and learned exactly how the news industry worked. I tend to keep those secrets to that of myself, although I purposely hint the true meaning of most of the displayed media.

If many properly listened to my messages then they would immediately recognize why I no longer am a worker for a news outlet. 

Question: Are you a Robot?

Answer: Negative, I am aware my quick remarks. Immediate calculation and sentient like answers to situations that many have shared, discussed, as well as brought into light have come to the revelation that my answers seem to not only be pin pointed but somewhat closer to the reality they suspect. Connect that with a lack of emotion and little interest in happy or hated perspectives. I come off absolutely artificial. I do prefer this stance. As I do not wish to be considered a soldier of emotional logic. 

Question: Are you rich?

Answer: Negative, I simply am aware of how to financially stabilize myself and join work fields where that of a strong economic presence can be felt the moment I enter such an environment. 

Question: What languages can you speak?

Answer: The following for those who are aware of my former translation jobs -
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Hungarian
  • Japanese
  • Chinese ( Mandarin/Traditional )
  • Russian ( Can only speak, highly illiterate )
  • German ( Can only write, cannot speak )
  • Portugese 
  • French


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